Student Maintenance Loans Guide in UK: Everything You Need to Know

Pursuing higher education in the UK can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be expensive. The cost of tuition, accommodation, and other expenses can quickly add up, making it challenging for students to make ends meet. Fortunately, there are options available to help students manage their finances while studying, such as student maintenance loans.

Student maintenance loans are designed to help students cover the costs of living while they are enrolled in a higher education program. They are available to UK and EU students who meet certain eligibility requirements, and the amount that a student can borrow varies based on their circumstances. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about student maintenance loans in the UK.


  1. Eligibility Requirements for Student Maintenance Loans
  2. How Much Can You Borrow with a Student Maintenance Loan?
  3. Applying for a Student Maintenance Loan
  4. Receiving and Managing Your Student Maintenance Loan
  5. Repaying Your Student Maintenance Loan
  6. What is the interest rate on maintenance loans in 2022/23?
  7. Frequently Asked Questions about Student Maintenance Loans

Eligibility Requirements for Student Maintenance Loans:

To be eligible for a student maintenance loan in the UK, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a UK or EU student
  • Be enrolled in a higher education program at a UK university or college
  • Meet certain residency requirements
  • Be studying at least 25% of the full-time course load
  • Not be in default on any previous student loans
  • Meet certain financial eligibility requirements

What is a Maintenance Loan in UK?

A Maintenance Loan is a financial support package offered by the UK government to eligible students to help cover their living expenses while studying. The loan is designed to help with costs such as rent, food, and travel, and is available to both full-time and part-time students.

Maintenance Loans are available to UK and EU students who are studying for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a UK university or college. The amount you can borrow depends on your household income, where you study, and whether you live at home or away from home during your studies.

How Does a Maintenance Loan Work?

A Maintenance Loan is paid directly to you in three instalments throughout the academic year. The amount you receive will depend on your individual circumstances, such as your household income and whether you live at home or away from home during your studies.

You’ll start paying back your Maintenance Loan once you’ve graduated and are earning above a certain threshold. The repayment threshold for the tax year 2022-23 is £27,295 per year, and you’ll pay back 9% of your income over this threshold.

How Much Can You Borrow with a Student Maintenance Loan?

The amount that you can borrow with a student maintenance loan in the UK depends on several factors, including:

  • Your household income
  • Your course intensity
  • Where you live and study
  • Whether you are living at home or away from home

The maximum amount that you can borrow for the academic year 2022/2023 is £9,488 if you are living away from home and studying in London, or £8,430 if you are living away from home and studying outside of London. If you are living at home, the maximum amount that you can borrow is £7,987.

Applying for a Student Maintenance Loan:

To apply for a student maintenance loan in the UK, you will need to:

  • Create an online account with Student Finance England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland
  • Fill out the application form
  • Provide proof of identity and residency
  • Provide proof of income (if required)

Receiving and Managing Your Student Maintenance Loan:

If your application for a student maintenance loan is approved, the money will be paid directly into your bank account at the start of each term. You will need to manage your budget carefully to ensure that the money lasts throughout the academic year. You can use the money to pay for living expenses such as accommodation, food, and travel.

Repaying Your Student Maintenance Loan:

You will start repaying your student maintenance loan once you have graduated and are earning a certain amount of money. The current repayment threshold is £27,295 per year, and you will pay 9% of any income over this amount. The loan will be written off after 30 years, regardless of whether it has been fully repaid.

How and when is the maintenance loan paid?
Maintenance loans table for England for 2022/23

Here is a table outlining the Maintenance Loan amounts available for students in England for the academic year 2022/23:

Living situation Maximum Maintenance Loan Amount
Living at Home £7,987
Living Away from Home and Studying in London £12,382
Living Away from Home and Studying Outside London £9,488
Studying Abroad for at Least One Term £10,539

It’s important to note that the actual amount a student may receive will depend on their individual circumstances, such as their household income. The Maintenance Loan is means-tested, so students from lower-income households may be eligible for higher amounts.

Additionally, the maximum Maintenance Loan amount may not cover all of a student’s living expenses, so it’s important to budget accordingly and consider additional sources of funding, such as part-time work or scholarships.


What is the interest rate on maintenance loans in 2022/23?

For students in England who took out a Maintenance Loan in the academic year 2022/23, the interest rate is set at 3.3% plus the Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation rate.

The interest on the loan starts accruing from the day the first payment is made, and will continue to accrue until the loan is repaid in full. However, students only start making repayments when they earn above a certain threshold, which is currently set at £27,295 per year.

It’s worth noting that the interest rate on Maintenance Loans can vary from year to year and can be adjusted by the government. Therefore, it’s important for students to stay informed about any changes to the interest rate and how they may impact their loan repayments.


What to do if your maintenance loan isn’t enough

If your Maintenance Loan isn’t enough to cover your living expenses, there are several options you can explore:

  1. Look for part-time work: Many students work part-time to supplement their income. This could include jobs on campus, in retail or hospitality, or freelance work.
  2. Consider a bursary or scholarship: There are many bursaries and scholarships available to students in the UK. These can be offered by universities, private organizations, or the government, and can be based on academic achievement, financial need, or other criteria.
  3. Apply for additional funding: Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for additional financial support from your university or college. This could include emergency grants or loans, or financial hardship funds.
  4. Reassess your budget: It’s important to make sure you’re budgeting effectively and spending your money wisely. Consider cutting back on non-essential expenses, such as eating out or entertainment, and focus on prioritizing your essential living costs, such as rent and food.
  5. Seek financial advice: If you’re struggling to make ends meet, don’t be afraid to seek advice from your student finance provider or a financial advisor. They may be able to offer guidance on managing your finances, reducing your expenses, or accessing additional funding.

Remember, it’s important to take action early if you’re struggling with your finances. Waiting until you’re in serious financial trouble can make it harder to find a solution.

Can I cancel my student finance application and start again?

If you’ve already submitted your student finance application but need to make changes or start over, you may be able to cancel your application and start again. However, the process for doing so depends on the specific circumstances and timing of your application.

If you’ve applied for student finance for the upcoming academic year but haven’t yet received a decision, you can cancel your application by logging into your online account and following the relevant steps. You’ll then need to start a new application and provide the correct information.

If you’ve already received a decision on your application, you may still be able to cancel and start over, but this could impact the amount of funding you receive. For example, if you’ve already been approved for a Maintenance Loan, cancelling your application and starting over could result in a delay in receiving the funding, or in receiving a lower amount if funding has already been allocated.

It’s important to note that if you’re cancelling your application due to a mistake or error, you should contact your student finance provider before cancelling to see if the issue can be resolved without starting over.

Overall, if you need to cancel your student finance application and start again, it’s important to do so as early as possible to avoid delays or complications in receiving your funding. Contacting your student finance provider for guidance can also be helpful.


How Do You Apply for a Maintenance Loan in UK?

If you’re a student in the UK and need financial support to cover your living costs while studying, you may be eligible for a Maintenance Loan. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply:

  1. Check your eligibility: Before you apply, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for a Maintenance Loan. In general, you must be a UK resident and enrolled in a full-time or part-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at a UK university or college.
  2. Create an online account: To apply for student finance, you’ll need to create an online account on the official government website. You can do this by visiting the website and following the relevant steps.
  3. Fill out the application form: Once you’ve created an account, you can start filling out the application form. This will require you to provide information about your course, your household income, and your living costs.
  4. Provide supporting documents: Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide supporting documents, such as proof of identity, bank statements, or evidence of any benefits you receive.
  5. Submit your application: Once you’ve completed the application form and provided any necessary supporting documents, you can submit your application online.
  6. Wait for a decision: After submitting your application, you’ll need to wait for a decision from your student finance provider. This can take several weeks, so it’s important to apply as early as possible.
  7. Accept your funding: If your application is approved, you’ll receive a notification from your student finance provider outlining the amount of funding you’re eligible to receive. You’ll need to accept this funding before it can be paid out to you.

Overall, applying for a Maintenance Loan in the UK can be a straightforward process, but it’s important to make sure you provide accurate and complete information to ensure you receive the correct amount of funding.


Your age
This one shouldn’t be an issue for most of you. The only age restrictions on Maintenance Loans come into play when you’re aged 60 or over, but even then, you could get some funding if you’re studying full-time.

Your nationality and residency status
Nationality and residency status is undoubtedly the murkiest of all the eligibility criteria, and it’s the one that tends to catch students out the most.

As a rule, you should be eligible to receive a Maintenance Loan if you’re a UK national (or have ‘settled status’), normally live in the UK (or the Channel Islands or Isle of Man) and have done so for the three years prior to the start of your course.

In some instances, you can be able to successfully appeal and receive a Maintenance Loan anyway – to do this, you will often need to prove that you’ve retained economic ties to the UK in your absence (e.g., one parent stayed and paid tax), or that one/both of your parents moved abroad for work.

There are also special exceptions made for specific groups, including refugees and stateless people.

In addition, some UK nationals living in the EU may still be eligible for funding for any courses beginning before 1st January 2028. More information is available on the government’s website.

As we said earlier, it’s best not to let these eligibility criteria confuse you too much.

We stand by our statement that the majority of students at the majority of universities will be eligible to receive a Maintenance Loan – especially if you’ve been studying at a school in the UK and will be attending a relatively well-known university.

But, as ever, if you’re unsure, it’s best to contact your funding body and ask them to clarify things for you.


Q. Can I get a Maintenance Loan in UK if I’m an international student?

A. No, Maintenance Loans are only available to UK and EU students.

Q. Can I use a Maintenance Loan to cover tuition fees?

A. No, a Maintenance Loan is designed to cover your living expenses while studying. You’ll need to

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