Smart Move Education Group is an educational advisor and we processes applications to the education provider by the authorisation of the applicant.
Personal data collected from the applicant will be used for specific services only.
Any personal and academic qualifications submitted by the applicant for the academic purpose, Applicant him/herself will be working solely liable for the authenticity of the documents and information provided; Smart Move Education Group will be working solely by the information provided by the applicant.
Smart Move Education Group does not give any guarantee for admission for the applicant.
Smart Move Education Group works on behalf of institutes and students shall be governed by the relevant policy of the chosen university.
Smart Move Education Group will not hold any original documents/certificates from the applicants other than copy of the original which will remain with Smart Move Education Group for application processing purpose.
If the applicant withdraws the application while it is being processed, it should be governed by the policy of the relevant institution
Applicant complies with Smart Move Education Groups terms and conditions.